Yep, she dished all about her extra baggage while chatting it up with OK Magazine, explaining how the extra weight wasn't a deterrent in her self-confidence.
I honestly didn’t feel bad when I had gained the weight because my weight gain was in the best places you would want it – here (chest) and here (buttocks). I still had a flat stomach. Yeah, I was disappointed at different times when I tried clothes on and they didn’t fit, but I was in college. I didn’t really care too much. Everybody else around me had a bigger problem.
I think we all obsess so much, and you’re going to deprive yourself? For what? You’re supposed to enjoy yourself. The week after, just take it easy. Eat some fresh salads and fresh fruit. Replenish yourself with good, healthy alternatives for a week afterward and you'll be fine. Take a long walk after dinner. Do something like that. I never stress about it.
Now this is the type of uplifting story we need to read more often. A story that will install pure inspiration within ourselves. While it seems we're always looking for answers, sometimes they find us.